Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Racism Some Call It A Disease - 1153 Words

Racism Some call it a â€Å"disease†, some consider it a way of life, and others want it to be gone. Racism has been around for centuries as a sensitive controversial topic among Americans. Racism comes from way back when before I was born and it shocks me that it s still a popular subject in this day an age. It has been brought to the countries attention and has gotten better, but hasn’t vanished and still remains. Everyone views racism differently and have different reasons to why racism may be present in their lives. Maybe they were brought up that way and know no different, maybe due to religion, or they simply are just racist for whatever the reason may be. Racism is a broad topic in itself that brings many issues along with it. Does the†¦show more content†¦Therefore labeling an entire race â€Å"powerless†, devalues their morals and spiritual agency. If we look at racism based only on political power, God is then put out of perspective. Secular si tuations have its own view on racism and the Bible has another. Racism in the workplace is still present in America today raising issues. â€Å"It has been shown that in the United States the race is taken unto effect about 10 percent of the time someone applies for a job†(Racism in the World 2014). Some may go ahead and say racism in a workplace environment could be beneficial due to the requirements of some jobs that require a certain amount of each minority. Racism in a workplace has been an issue since the beginning of segregation in the 1960s. On the other side of the racism in a workplace some argue it causes a cut out of their pay depending on race, or even being passed up of the job opportunity. This is a problem in America because it leads to less qualified people being hired because of their color. â€Å"And there are many different law firms and organizations that are focusing on getting equal with those who do discriminate people for jobs, and also to create a ec onomy and workplace with total equality for everyone†(Racism in the World 2014). Racism is also still causing controversy in the college admittance system today. Some are for it and some are against the idea. Supporters of the idea say it will help evolve colleges to a more diverse environment providing an

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dead Poet Society Analysis Essay Example For Students

Dead Poet Society Analysis Essay Todd was insecure about himself and his skills in public speaking. Todd didnt want to Join Neil and the other boys in their quest to start the Dead Poets Society because he didnt want to read poetry in front of all the boys. Within the first thirty minutes of the film, we learn that Todd had an older brother that was valedictorian at Walton, he was also a National Merit Scholar. This obviously put the pressure on Todd to match his brothers expectations. The fear of failure and disappointment can cause many students to either work harder or in Toddys case, cause you to be timid and have self- doubt. Todd believed he was unable to match the sociability and openness of his allow classmates and his self-esteem sunk even lower. Mr.. Keating continuously focused on the idea of carper diem, meaning to seize the day. Seize the day is a phrase defined as making the best or the most out of the present moment. In other words, to live in the now. Through this idea, Mr.. Keating was able to influence his students to do exactly that. Mr.. Keating assigned the boys to write a poem and Todd worked with great determination to create said poem. Unable to face his fears, he decides to lie and say he didnt write it. This shows the intensity of his self-doubt and bashfulness. Hed rather get a zero than get up to the class and share his work. Mr.. Keating forces him to shout noises in front of the class, as if it were to help him release his inhibitions. And after that Todd successfully delivers an improvised poem, proving his intelligence and poetic talent to everyone. Todd truly overcomes his fear in the climax of the movie. It was through the suicide of his beloved friend, Neil, that he was able to pursue his own individuality and truly apply carper diem to his life. Todd eradicates any and all of the fear left in him when he gave his farewell to Mr.. Keating. By standing on top of the desk, and eying O Captain! My Captain! Todd annihilated the shackles of conformity put on him by Walton. Soon all the boys followed suit except Cameron and a few others. This scene depicted Toddys true inner self, which is a natural born leader and an exceptional achiever. Although he seemed like a timid and self-conscious student, Todd Anderson proved to be a remarkable and outstanding person with natural intelligence and creativity. Throughout the film, we see his progress and how he was truly able to overcome his fears of failure and disappointment.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Workplace Violence Essay Example For Students

Workplace Violence Essay Workplace Violence StatisticsWorkplace and Violence two words that until recently were never associated with one another. Yet when these words come together they strike terror in the lives of the people that are affected by them. Workplace, when we think of this word we think of a safe environment where we go to make to our lives better, a place to make careers for ourselves. The workplace is supposed to provide security for our families and to help to one day achieve the goal of financial freedom. Violence, when we hear this word images pop up in our head like the Jerry Springer Show, the Oklahoma City Bombing, or the latest act of violence to shock our nation the massacre of the high school in Colorado. These images are stuck in our minds forever; the shear horror of these acts puts us back into perspective of reality. Violence is a very real almost unpredictable event that can strike anywhere at anytime. It is the driving force that plagues our workplace as we speak. We will write a custom essay on Workplace Violence specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Oct. 15KIMBERLY, Wis.In November 1992, Thomas Monfils was killed by several co-workers and his mutilated body was found in a pulp vat with a 40-pound weight tied to his neck at the James River Corp. mill in Green Bay (Mulholland). Workplace violence is turning into a number one priority for todays businesses. On an average working day, three people will be murdered on the job in the U.S. One million workers are assaulted and more than 1,000 are murdered every year, according to the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Homicide is the second highest cause of death on the job, after motor vehicle accidents. That translates into three cases for every 10,000 workers, confirms the U.S. Department of Labor. In 1992, 111,000 incidents of work-place violence cost employers and others an estimated $6.2 -2-million (ODonovan). The statistics are shocking for the amount of workplace violence that is out there everyday in our workforce. Even more shocking then these statistics is the fact that more than half of these cases go unreported. That means an estimated two million workers are assaulted every year and more than 2,000 people are murdered. Workplace Violence Behavior and CharacteristicsIf the statistics got the heart pumping then the characteristics will produce a heart at tack. Many people in the workforce think it will never happen to them. I dont need to worry about workplace violence because it will never happen to me. The fact of the matter is that the people that commit these acts are more common then some people think. Author Joseph Kinney contends that perpetrators of work-place violence do not fit a standard profile. He advises to focus behavior, not characteristics. However based on previous acts of violence, some experts have identified warning symptoms. These include: middle-aged male, loner, usually quiet, with defiant outbursts, emotionally unstable; erratic behavior, pathological blamer or complainer, always frustrated strained work relationships, reduced productivity, ignores tardiness or absences, undergoes a dramatic personality swing, changes in health of hygiene, feels victimized, makes threats, fascination with weapons, exhibits paranoia, seems depressed, is a Hate Group member, dependence on alcohol or drugs, is involved in a tro ubled, work-related romantic situation. -3-The violence-prone may view these situations as events to justify a violent response: performance counseling sessions, disciplinary actions, termination, passed over for a promotion, criticism from coworkers, failed or spurned romance, personal crisis, e.g., divorce(ODonovan). Its a scary thought to think that the person you go on break with, the person you carpool with is capable of this violence at any moment. One minute they are your next door neighbor the next minute they are on Americas Most Wanted for the massacre of several people at their place of work. .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .postImageUrl , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:hover , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:visited , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:active { border:0!important; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:active , .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5 .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17abc9e7db94bf5d244158e995ae77c5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Development EssayOne steamy August day in 1986, postal employee Patrick Sheryl, 44, walked into the U.S. Post Office in Edmund, Okla. Inside his mail pouch were three guns and 100 rounds of ammunition. Sheryl killed 17 coworkers and himself in 10 minutes(ODonovan). Workplace Violence PreventionThrough all the darkness and evil that workplace violence brings to the table there is light at the end of the tunnel. Companies now have the ammunition they need to help in the fight against workplace violence. A few ways that companies can help to stop workplace violence is before hiring an individual due intensive background checks. Provide training for all employees on how to identify the warning signs of a violent person and how to deal with any threatening situations. Provide on the job counseling for employees. Make the workplace the safest possible for all employees, upgrade security, make sure employees are told about a no tolerance level for any potential threatening situations that may accrue in the workplace. -4-ConclusionWorkplace violence is an extremely sad and sickening subject. Violence in general has gone completely out of control over the past years. It is fed to us daily by newspapers, Internet, radio, and especially on television. The news is a feeding ground for violence; people are shown violence everyday it is becoming part of our culture and we are prone to it. We constantly see these acts everyday so we imitate them thinking it is ok to unleash our angry on others. Fort Lauderdale, Florida A man who had been dismissed from his city job cleaning the beaches here opened fire on his former colleagues early this morning, killing five and seriously injuring another before turning the gun on himself, police officers said. (New York Times, February 10, 1996). City of Industry, California A postal worker walked up to his boss, pulled a gun from a paper bag and shot him dead, the latest incident in an alarming increase in workplace violence. (Los Angeles Times, July 18, 1995). Corpus Cristi, Texas A former employee opened fire Monday in a refinery inspection company, killing the owner his wife and three workers before fatally shooting himself, police said. (Poughkeepsie Journal, April 4, 1995)(Neuman and Baron). The acts of violence presented in this paper are just a few of the tragedies that plague our workforce, if this problem is not nipped in the bud soon I fear it will be a common practice that future workers will face in the years to come. For more information on workplace violence see the OSHA Webpage, which features the Workplace Violence Prevention Program from the Office of Training and Education, available for downloading at Also form the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, see Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners which is online at, http://www.opm/workplac/idex.htm(Gray). -5-BibliographyGray, Carrie L. Reducing the risk of workplace violence. Foundry Management Technology. September 1998 v126 n9 p74(5)!xrn_19_0_A2116605. Mulholland, Megan. Biggest Threat of Workplace Violence Is from Other Workers, Expert Says. Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News. 15 October 1998 pOKRB982882B4!xrn_14_0_A5309102. Baron Robert A., and Joel H. Neuman. Workplace violence and workplace aggression: evidence concerning specific forms, potential causes, and preferred targets. Journal of Management. May-June 1998 v24 n3 p391(29)!xrn_48_0_A2111927. ODonovan, Cheryl. The bulletproof office. (avoiding workplace violence). Communication World. October-November 1997 v14 n19 p28(4)!xrn_70_0_A2011558. Schultz, Gene Church. Workplace violence strikes Houston hvac executive. Air Conditioning, Heating Refrigeration News. 26 October 1998 p5!xrn_13_0_A5317632. -6-